, the felendzers - strona - 101 

the felendzers

W naszym serwisie znajdziesz 10001 hase³
APOD: Panorama of the Whale Galaxy
The see the full length of this blue whale, scroll right.

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APOD: The Galactic Center in Infrared from 2MASS
The Galactic Center in Infrared from 2MASS

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APOD: A Twisted Meteor Trail Over Tenerife
Did this meteor take a twisting path?

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APOD: Orange Sun Simmering
Even a quiet Sun can be a busy place.

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APOD: The Dark Tower in Scorpius
In silhouette against a crowded star field

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APOD: Crab Pulsar Wind Nebula
http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/calendar/S_081227.jpg Crab Pulsar Wind Nebula

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APOD: Tychos Supernova Remnant
http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/calendar/S_090317.jpg What star created this huge puffball?

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APOD: A Spring Sky Over Hirsau Abbey
http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/calendar/S_090506.jpg What's in the sky tonight?

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APOD: IC 4592: A Blue Horsehead
http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/calendar/S_090521.jpg This complex of beautiful, dusty reflection nebulae lies

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APOD: Morning Glory Clouds Over Australia
What causes these long, strange clouds?

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APOD: The Lagoon Nebula from GigaGalaxy Zoom
The large majestic

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APOD: Starburst Galaxy IC 10
Lurking behind dust and stars near the plane of our

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APOD: Halloween s Moon
Halloween s Moon

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APOD: Planetary Systems Now Forming in Orion
How do planets form?

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APOD: NGC 2442: Galaxy in Volans
NGC 2442: Galaxy in Volans

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APOD: Herschel Crater on Mimas of Saturn
Why is this giant crater on Mimas oddly colored?

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APOD: Comet McNaught Becoming Visible to the Unaided Eye
A new comet is brightening and is now expected to become visible to the unaided eye later this month.

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APOD: The Milky Way Over Pulpit Rock
Can a picture of the sky be relaxing?

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APOD: Concept Plane: Supersonic Green Machine
What will passenger airplanes be like in the future?

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APOD: La Superba
http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/calendar/S_081218.jpg Y Canum Venaticorum (Y CVn) is a very rare star

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APOD: The Large Cloud of Magellan
http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/calendar/S_081219.jpg The 16th century Portuguese navigator

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APOD: Solstice at Newgrange
http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/calendar/S_081220.jpg Tomorrow's solstice marks the southernmost point of the Sun's

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APOD: Analemma Over the Porch of Maidens
http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/calendar/S_081221.jpg If you took a picture of the Sun at the same time each day,

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APOD: Unusual Dusty Galaxy NGC 7049
http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/calendar/S_090408.jpg How was this unusual looking galaxy created?

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APOD: Elusive Jellyfish Nebula
http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/calendar/S_090514.jpg Normally faint and elusive, the Jellyfish Nebula is caught in

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APOD: Spirit Encounters Soft Ground on Mars
http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/calendar/S_090601.jpg Will Spirit be able to free itself from soft ground on Mars?

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APOD: 6 Minutes 42 Seconds
The July 22nd total solar eclipse was

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APOD: A Dark Sky Over Sequoia National Park
Scroll right to take in the view from the highest summit in the contiguous USA.

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