, the felendzers - strona - 105 

the felendzers

W naszym serwisie znajdziesz 10001 hase³
APOD: Moons and Rings Before Saturn
While cruising around Saturn,

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APOD: Warped Sky: Star Trails Panorama
What's happened to the sky?

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mhm..na¶cie lat APOD'a Astronomy Picture of the Day
jak ten czas szybko leci :rolleyes:
16 czerwca 1995 roku pojawi³o siê pierwsze zdjêcie:

hmm, mia³o obrazowaæ grawitacjê gwiazdy neutronowej,

lecz szybko...

APOD: NGC 2736: The Pencil Nebula
http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/calendar/S_090108.jpg This shock wave plows through space at over 500,000 kilometers per hour.

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APOD: Seaside Moon Mirage
http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/calendar/S_090620.jpg This surprising view of the Full Moon

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APOD: Kaguya Spacecraft Crashes into the Moon
http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/calendar/S_090629.jpg Japan's Kaguya spacecraft crashed into the Moon last week, as planned.

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APOD: Ganymede Enhanced
What does the largest moon in the Solar System look like?

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APOD: The Same Color Illusion
Are square A and B the same color? They are. Are too.

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APOD: The International Space Station Over Earth
After undocking, the space shuttle Discovery crew got a memorable view of the developing International Space Station (ISS).

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APOD: LCROSS Centaur Impact Flash
This mid-infrared image was taken in the last minutes of the

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APOD: Stars Over Easter Island
Why were the statues on

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APOD: Martian Dust Devil Trails
Martian Dust Devil Trails

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APOD: The Magnificent Tail of Comet McNaught
Comet McNaught, the Great Comet of 2007, was the brightest comet of the last 40 years.

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APOD: Aurora Shimmer, Meteor Flash
Aurora Shimmer, Meteor Flash

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APOD: Gamma Cas and Friends
Gamma Cas and Friends

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APOD: The Cats Eye Nebula
Three thousand light-years away,

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APOD: Comet Halleys Nucleus: An Orbiting Iceberg
What does a comet nucleus look like?

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APOD: Vesta Near Opposition
Vesta Near Opposition

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APOD: Chasing Carina
A jewel of the southern sky,

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APOD: Mars Over the Allalinhorn
What's that bright object in the sky?

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APOD: Saturns Moon Helene from Cassini
What's happening on the surface of Saturn's moon Helene?

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APOD: Binary Black Hole in 3C 75
What's happening in the middle of this massive galaxy?

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APOD: Detailed View of a Solar Eclipse Corona
Only in the fleeting darkness of a total solar eclipse is the

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APOD: The Nearby Milky Way in Cold Dust
What shapes the remarkable dust tapestry of the nearby Milky Way Galaxy?

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APOD: NGC 602 and Beyond
Near the outskirts of the

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APOD: Discovery's Cloud
Discovery's Cloud

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APOD: Unusual Spiral Galaxy M66 from Hubble
Why isn't spiral galaxy

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APOD: Virgo Cluster Galaxy NGC 4731
Barred spiral galaxy NGC 4731 lies some 65 million light-years away.

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